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Monday, February 27, 2012

Review: Punch Bracelets

Hey guys! :) Today I have for you a feature of the Etsy store, Punch Bracelets, and a review of one of their products!

personal photo
Red Bangle Bracelet
Store photo

 I received the Red Bangle Bracelet from Punch Bracelets and I love it! Firstly, the way it's made is so creative. The bracelet is made out of Gimp , or Boondoggle, string and attached to silver chain links.  The red is a great burst of color to any outfit but this bracelet is also available in many other colors.  There is no clasp on the bracelet so you have to make sure you get enough links so that it will fit over your hand....mine's was a perfect fit and I have 9 links....I am very small for my age and height so I suggest at least 10 + links.  Overall, I really like this product, there was awesome customer service, and will definitely revisit Punch Bracelets and you should too! :) 
 Check out some of their other products and visit there here!

Turtle Charm Friendship BraceletRed Swarovski Charm Crystal BraceletYellow 60's Style Bangle Bracelet
(from left to right)
Turtle Charm Friendship Bracelet
Red Swarovski Charm Crystal Bracelet
Yellow 60's Style Bangle Bracelet


Mandy said...

CUTE! Need to check them out. I love etsy finds.

Chrissy ( bumbleberries2012) said...

Thanks for the review! Check out our new store/name on Facebook
