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Monday, September 10, 2012

Getting Back in the Groove!

Hey guys it's Cierra here! Yes, I know I've been absent for a little bit but not that summer is over I am restarting the review train! :) If you've noticed I've given the blog a big face lift!!! It is now called Just BeUtiful to show that by just being you you are beautiful (our theme song: That's What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction!!) :)  So, in addition to reviews I will also be doing DIY, fashion tips, and lifestyle tips as well. I am also starting to do video reviews along with written reviews to provide more exposure for the products and companies I review and advertise.  So, check out my new youtube channel at  Also, if you've been trying to contact me for a review and haven't gotten a response it is because our new email address in!!! There will be many more posts and reviews to come after this!!! :)

