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Friday, May 25, 2012

Review: Lecia's Designs

Hi guys! I was awarded the privilege of being able to review a product from the Etsy shop Lecia's Designs and I can't wait to tell you my thoughts!

I was sent the Neon Crystal Rhinestone Wrapped Bracelet for review. I really loved this bracelet. One of my favorite things that I liked about this bracelet was the colors.  I am a real sucker for colorful things so I really loved this bracelet. It is made out of a sort of tie die string with rhinestones embedded around it.  This bracelet is really beautiful in the sunlight as the light reflects off the rhinestones.  This bracelet really holds up and I like how its not hard to put on either.  This is they type of bracelet that looks great with any outfit and will surely win you many complements.  You should definitely stop by the shop! I have some pics I took of the bracelet below.

Visit Lecia's Designs now!


Unknown said...

This is so cute - I did a recent post on etsy! Love all the cheap and beautiful bargains :)

I am a new follower from bloghop, come by my blog and say hello!

Kim said...

Great find, very cute bracelet. I found your blog through Etsy Promotion Locomotion Team. I just started a blog and would love you to come by and visit. There will be plenty of opportunity to link up and promote.
